Showing posts with label The Casket Scene-Dramatic Importance-The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Casket Scene-Dramatic Importance-The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Casket Scene-Dramatic Importance-The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare

 Describe the dramatic importance of the Casket Scene

Ans. The Casket and the Trial scenes are very important in The Merchant of Venice. Both the scenes are interrelated to each other. Let us discuss the dramatic importance of the Casket Scene. There are two subsidiary scenes to the main Casket Scene also.

The Casket scene plays a vital role in developing the plot of the play. First, it enables Bassanio win Portia as his wife. It is Portia, who plays a very significant role in the Trial scene. Had Bassanio not taken a loan from Shylock and then won Portia as his wife, the Trial Scene would not have taken place. Hence the whole play would have become nothing. So it is Shakespeare’s creativity and his great skill that made all the events inter-linked.

Portia’s romantic and poetic side of her personality finds full exposure in front of Bassanio in the casket scene. We come to know as to how much she loves Bassanio. She expresses her deep love for him in her most poetic manner. Bassanio also shows his balance of mind, intelligence, and wisdom while choosing the right casket. He does not show any hurry. He thinks and rethinks about the meanings of the words written on each casket. He applies his own reasoning and then decides not to be deceived by the shine neither of the gold nor of the silver casket. Finally, he selects the lead casket and wins Portia. When he comes to know about Antonio’s troubles, he feels very sad. Portia also shows her greatness by advising her husband to reach Venice at once to save his friend. She also decides to help Antonio secretly.

Thus Bassanio’s character is redeemed in the reader’s mind due to this scene. Earlier, the reader had an impression about Bassanio that he is extravagant and wishes to marry Portia only for her beauty and money.

Even Portia’s loyalty towards her late father is proven in this scene. She does not tell anything about the secret of the caskets to Bassanio, whom she loves most.

In the subsidiary two scenes in which the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon try their luck to win Portia. We come to know that Portia does not like them. We come to know that both of them were boastful and were attracted by the outward glitter of the things.

Thus the casket scene is very important in this play. It has a very important role in the plot of the play.


Letters for Graduation-Semester VI